Thursday, March 17, 2011


we woke this morning to see a 
dashing young man
on the front page & sports section front page
of the newspaper....

it was our ben!!
you can check him out

next surprise!!!
look who's here

it's our margo

we had such a lovely surprise today!!
tessa, kevin, seth and adam were headed for denver from provo
for the byu 2nd round ncaa post season basketball tournament

and they brought margo with them!
thanks guys...

roxy, gabi and ben were so surprised!!
happy reunions!!

the timing to get to the game was very close so......
paul picked sab up straight after school and they drove to meet
 kevin, tessa, seth and adam at a highway exit.  
margo brought paul's car home and paul and sab got into tessa's car 
and hurried to the game in downtown denver.....

then, margo and i surprised gabi at soccer and the three
of us headed off to dinner (at modmarket - again!) and then to ben's choir concert in downtown boulder.

great works concert

the fairview festival choir performs during
this annual night of classical music.....
i love this concert

a reception follows.........

margo met up with many of her former fellow fairview choir friends.  
this is a favorite time for fairview reunions....

she and caleb had a nice reunion as well......

you are now in for a treat.....
margo photos

i put together a spring display in the front foyer.
and margo, using her clever talents, took lovely photos of it.

finally, we all got home from our various venus.......

welcome seth & adam

welcome, tess and kev

btw, byu won!!
so, they will play in denver again on saturday!!
we're going to have a fun weekend with everyone here...

these are a few of my favorite things......

i love vintage cars.
today i spotted this pristine 1950 cadillac.
how beautiful is heart is all a-flutter.

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