Friday, April 22, 2011

bye bye birdies

goodbye candy and delilah........
we love you but we think that someone will love you more.
you are moving to the home of a lovely man who already has 
parakeets and wants even more. thank you for all the feathery fun.
may your lives continue to be filled with chirpy chatter and all the fresh seed you could wish for..........

paul has today off of work!!  good friday!
i told him that the day was his and we could do whatever he wanted.
so, his first choice was to go to a nursery and buy some more beautiful trees to plant.
and that we did!

maybe roxy thinks she is a pony.
she doesn't give other dogs the time of day
but will play all day with our horsey neighbors.
unfortunately, they don't give her the time of day.
poor roxy.

i collect sand.
little, clear bottles filled with far away beach memories.
i added our kauai sand samples today and as always,
was transported back to cool ocean breezes, and sunny shores.........

but alas, out the window.........prairie, pine trees and ponies.


lila and ryan have completed their first year of
golden days nursery school
what fun it has been.
now i need to get to work on completing the second year's curriculum by september...

science fair

gabi has been working on her science fair project by
growing mold.

after 3 weeks of sealed food jars hidden in dark, cool places,
she donned protective equipment and took off the lids,

more school......

ellis island simulation
each year, the 5th grade class 
does a re-creation of the new york ellis island/statue of liberty immigration experience.
the classes are divided up into families with a history and home country.
they must first choose a few things that they will bring with them to begin their new life in their new country all packed into a pillowcase.  then they must pass initial inspections, a very long boat trip, 
de-lousing, long lines, more inspections and finally......
welcomed into their new life in america.

a celebration follows as the kids enjoy dishes brought in by each student
- a family recipe that has been handed down from their ancestors.

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