Wednesday, October 19, 2011


fairview's show choir,
practices each day at school and meets for early morning rehearsals
called sectionals.  
the men's section came to our house before school monday morning to rehearse.
i love this choir.  it is made up of football jocks, rock band members and
a whole lot of guys that just love music.

what a treat for our family to have these gorgeous men's voices wafting through the house.
 a delightful way to start the day.

i caught the very end of the rehearsal on camera.
ben's on piano and josh breaks out in a solo!

sunflower faces

our sunflowers are nearly ready to harvest.
they remind me of giraffes the way their gorgeous heads nod on their long necks.
the birds and squirrels have already started helping themselves to the seeds
so i have tied brown bags over the heads to claim them for myself.

i did let our furry & feathered friends have this gorgeous seed head for their own.

autumn spiced cookies

about this time each year,
gabi and i make these cream cheese & sugar cookies.
they are a definite fall family favorite.

you can find the recipe