Friday, November 25, 2011

thanksgiving day

thanksgiving plate 2011

but a lot went on before we sat down to eat this turkey feast.....

many shopping trips to accomplish this master plan

and while the boys headed off to the annual turkey bowl
margo, was up to her elbows in pie crusts.

one of the highlights of this thanksgiving celebration was margo's pies.
she made five different pies, each with a different homemade crust.
well done, sweetie!

paul was up to his elbows in turkey innards.
this year, he butterflied the turkey and roasted it on the barbeque.
it was gorgeous!

grandma karen gathered the kiddos around and together they made our traditional
thanksgiving mix.
for the ingredients, have a look at thanksgiving 2010 here

we gathered pilgrims and turkeys,

and decorated with pumpkins, squash and other harvested beauties.

come one, come all, it is finally time to eat.....

sab and ben lead the way with alisa and grandma's divine appetizers.

thanksgiving greetings from the meyer table

just looking at this photo once again reaffirms to me
how truly and greatly blessed we are.

food, family, fun.  what more could we want?

no shave november......

but we're not through yet!!!

margo's award winning pies!
cherry, pecan, pumpkin, banana cream and deep dish apple

and games with friends into the wee hours of the morning.
happy, happy times.


  1. that looks amazing!!!! very nice photos too... those are the best looking home made pies I've seen, you must have a natural talent for pie crusts (I sure don't). Where did you get the recipes?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Nicole, we missed you so much - no cheese platter this year either. Margo did an absolutely amazing, beautiful and delicious show on the pies. She got all the recipes from Cook's Illustrated. The deep dish apple pie had a cheddar cheese crust - divine!! The cool photos are from Margo's phone. I want that app. Miss you.

  4. I am so jealous of the pies! The eating thereof, not the baking!

  5. oh THANK you guys. 24 hours of labor went into those pie babies. im glad you enjoyed.
