Saturday, December 24, 2011

advent day twenty-four: christmas eve

finally, it is christmas eve.
all these weeks and weeks of being anxiously engaged in preparing for christmas
and it is nearly here.  
i love christmas eve nearly as much as i love christmas.
anticipation, family, fun and glorious food.
we decorated the table the same as for last night's celebrations......
sparkle and red.

more sparkle.....

we have even more reasons to celebrate tonight.
my brother lance and his family have just arrived in boulder from san diego.
they are visiting for the week.
we were all so anxious to be with them again and see how their kids have grown.
we hadn't even met skyler before!!  she is absolutely the cutest thing.

skyler, aspen

and landon.  he had fun hanging out with the big boys.

jerry, my sister alisa and their kids as well as my mom are here with us on christmas eve too.
my mom is thrilled to have three of her six children together and
ten of her seventeen grandchildren together this holiday.
we've just heard from nicole and she has arrived at my brother's in holland
to spend christmas with his family.  so over in europe four other cousins are together for christmas.

we all enjoyed a wonderful dinner and then chocolately, fudgey desserts.

each christmas eve, we all gather around the piano and 
sing christmas carols together.  
margo was the pianist extraordinaire this evening.

little skyler danced and sang all night.  what a cutie!!

margo, ben, sebastian and gabrielle surprised us all with a rehearsed and polished finale of 
oh! holy night
it was beautiful and i wasn't the only one with a tear in my eye.
thank you, my beautiful children. what a gift you are.

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