Friday, January 20, 2012

blown away

the boulder winds are here.......
and it has been a rough couple of nights.
i've barely slept more than two hours each night.
it is so gusty and soooo loud and i was sure at some point during the wee hours of the morning,
 that the house was going to fall in
or a tree was going to come crashing through a window or down on the roof.
i think we had some gusts over 90 mph!!
that is not funny!

check out this near

in the morning, i went out to survey the damage.
i had put this very heavy wooden lounge chair on the hot tub to hold down the cover.
sometime during the night, the winds lifted it up and it came crashing down breaking it to pieces 
and hitting the step just in front of the sliding glass door.  
phew, that was close!

ben and i went searching for the hot tub cover and found it half way
down the property in a ditch.

we also can't find roxy's bed.  it's probably in kansas.

i got a little more clever preparing for the second night of winds
holding the cover down with boulders....

this baby isn't going anywhere!

the winds also blew out the back window of the excursion.  
dang it!!

it is always very interesting to drive around after a night of winds to see what chaos occurred.
dropping sebastian off to school in the early morning, we saw that the baseball fences on the
high school field had blown over and the debris was all over the football field.

it also made me sad to see
an old man standing at a bus stop with both arms around 
a sign post, holding on for dear life.

and just because nicole and margo can't get enough roxy photos......
a very tired dog napping after playing outside in the wind all day.
"roxy, hey roxy girl!"  nope, not moving.

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