Wednesday, May 9, 2012


hello all.
here is a photo scrapbook of random things
that are happening 'round here between 
the random things that i post.......

gabi is trying out track for the first time this year.
she loves it!
she has been coming first in her 100m and 200m races as well as the relay teams.
(deja vu?)

we love having nicole here. not only is she such pleasant and interesting company,
but whoa, can this girl cook.  
she woke very early to make
us all a gorgeous breakfast to celebrate gabi's birthday.

while grandpa was here, we were able to take an (almost) family picture.

last week was spirit week at fairview. 
this was nerd day.
ben, you do this so well!
hey paul, isn't he wearing most of your stuff?

a dream come true for paul......
catching a 15 inch rainbow trout in his own backyard!

we've had some visitors - 
friends of margo's from byu on a cross country road trip.
north carolina or bust!

i want to introduce you to sebastian's lovely girlfriend, emma.
here they are together at his birthday party.
it's so nice to meet you, emma.


  1. Nice to see my dad in a photo, thanks. Isn't Ben's girlfriend also Emma? I also think we have an Emma family member living in London. What did Paul do with the fish? I can't believe it was caught in your stream!

  2. I thought you'd like seeing Gerry. Ben's girlfriend is also Emma as well as our favorite Emma in the UK!! Paul let his fish go - he never keeps them. What a nice guy!
