Friday, June 15, 2012

margo's bday and more

it's margo's birthday!!!
happy birthday beautiful.

we held her celebratory birthday dinner early because 
a lot is happen' round here.

margo wanted blt and avocado sandwiches, chinese chicken salad and fruit for dinner
and warm brownie sundaes for dessert.......fine with me!

this morning, i brought in a birthday, breakfast tray.
wake up, birthday girl!!
margo and i are leaving this afternoon for provo.  she wanted to spend her birthday weekend with
her friends there and i am going to visit my mamma.

da boyz road trip!!!

today is also the day da boyz leave on their highly anticipated two week road trip.
they've spent months planning and preparing for this exciting adventure.
yesterday was spent washing and prepping the car, getting haircuts, packing up....

and contemplating.....  
ben has done a lot of the organizing for this expedition - menus, reserving campgrounds, hotels,
mapping out the route, etc. etc.
"whoa, this has been more planning and organizing than my eagle project!"
but they are good and ready to go and are so excited to make this dream finally come true!!
da boyz slept over last night so they could 
take off early this morning.  
first stop - moab, utah!





and josh.
will is going to join them in las vegas.

last minute instructions and advice from dad and........

they are off!!
i can't lie.  i'm scared, worried, very apprehensive as are all the parents.
but, have a great time, make memories but please be safe, make good decisions, take care of
each other and arrive home happy.

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