Sunday, October 7, 2012

beaver creek

we spent the weekend up in the mountains.
gabi's soccer team had a 2 day tournament in vail. 
so between games, while gabi hung out with her soccer friends,
paul and i explored the quiet ski resorts during their off season.

beaver creek resort is absolutely beautiful.  
in 1999, beaver creek hosted the world downhill championships.  in celebration,
the grand, uphill entrance is lined with flags representing the countries of all the participants.

the ski slopes feed right into the middle of this swanky town.
 i haven't skied here but my friends tell me that waiters greet skiers at the bottom 
of the runs with trays of warm chocolate chip cookies!

what a lovely time we had wandering around.  
later in the evening, we stopped and had a lovely, romantic fireside dinner.
then after dark when it started to get quite cold, 
we came upon an outdoor patio fireplace, got comfortable and ordered decadent desserts.

pretty much one amazing day to remember.  thanks baby.

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