Friday, October 19, 2012

wild things

 our property has been alive lately, with wild things...

when i let roxy out early in the morning,
she headed straight to a bunch of trees and started barking.
through the day, she kept trying to tell me something but i couldn't find what was bothering her.
paul came home, looked up and spotted furry, striped balls nestled in the branches of the trees.

a little later in the morning, i spotted dainty does tip, tip-toeing 
through the back garden.

paul has been fishing down in the stream each glorious autumn evening 
and has caught (and released) gorgeous, rainbow beauties like this one.


  1. I love reading your blogs! I love hearing about the wild creatures with whom you share your space. I just wish I could be there to see you and them.

  2. Thank you Margo. I specifically thought of you too when I posted Margo's photo of little Molly a few posts back.

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