Monday, November 12, 2012

day off

today is veteran's day, an official holiday here in the u.s. of a.
a day to acknowledge, recognize, thank and pay tribute to
all those who have served and continue to serve our country in the armed forces.
also, no school.

paul is in london and then geneva later in the week.
last night, with sab also away at a friend's house, gabi and i snuggled up in my bed with a movie
which neither of us was able to stay awake for.
i think i remember dozing off, and then sometime in the moonlight realizing the movie was finished, promptly gave the portable dvd player a swift kick off the bed.  wooops.

pumpkin cookies today made from freshly baked pumpkin.
i saved the seeds and plan to grow pie pumpkins in the garden next year.
(alisa, i have a seed packet for you as well, if you'd like)

both sab and gabi had voice rehearsals today for auditions later in the week.
sab came home from his rehearsal and then accompanied the girls.
good luck!!

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