Saturday, November 24, 2012

savoring this time together

i'm loving having everyone around, just spending time together.
i don't think i mentioned that my mom came from utah to be with us for thanksgiving
as well as my nephew, tristan, from holland.  tristan has moved to utah and is living with my mom
to experience an american high school senior year.  he is loving it and is fitting in very well.
he says everyone is fascinated by his bi-lingual abilities. i'm so impressed with his perfect english with no hint of an accent.  
he says that the only thing he has found difficult is picking up 
on the american teenager subtle communication.  
he says they say things they don't really mean, just to be nice.  very interesting......
it is fun for us to share thanksgiving with him too!  we love having more cousins around.

what else? loads of raucus laughter during game nights. workouts every day for ben and emma,
beautiful and mild weather and a fridge heaped with hefty leftovers.

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