Friday, February 15, 2013

gray, snowy day

for valentine's day, sebastian wrote a song for katie.
gabi said, "sab, you're the best boyfriend in the world".

roxy's yearbook photo - ha!

just as each snowflake has its own personality so does each snowfall.
these floaty flakes came down in happy clusters like best friends clasping hands to share a once in a lifetime experience.
the type that if enough were caught they'd richly crown a cup of cocoa in frothy white.
some anxious clusters fell straight and fast hoping to reach the end of their journey as swiftly as possible.
others choosing to enjoy the ride for as long as they were able by floating, floating, left, right and left. 
some teased as they tumbled, only to drift up again on a whim.  


  1. I wish there was a "like" button for me to click! Sometimes i don't have a comment but just want you to know that I "liked" your post. So..."LIKE"...X X

  2. A sonnet to snow. Beautiful Janet.
    So glad that some snow came your way at last.
    I loved the photos of the first gold mining city as well.
    You do have interesting places to visit in Colorado.
    The soup and bread looks so delicious.
