Monday, July 22, 2013


sebastian had to be at the parking lot at our church by 5:00 am this morning.
he is heading out with his friends on a pioneer trek.  these kids (200 of them) 
are walking a portion of the path that the mormon pioneers took as they walked
from nauvoo, illinois to salt lake city.  nicole, margo and ben have also had this memorable experience.
stay hydrated and have fun, sab!

lots of movin' and shakin' this weekend...

andrew hauled his car loaded with their things to utah this weekend and then drove right back.
margo and andrew will be moving to salt lake city after they are married.

paul has been spending hours in the garden and on his tractor
getting the yard in ship shape for the wedding reception.

ben has been taking the boat out a lot this summer, loaded with friends!

sebastian is rockin' the moped.

HOORAY!!  the outdoor kitchen and pizza oven is finished!!!
and just in the nick of time.  we are going to have so much fun with this!!


  1. Wow that outdoor area and kitchen looks amazing! Paul is looking really fit and healthy. Hope the final days of preparation go well. I am thinkingn of you all. Xx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks for your comment, Melissa :)
