Friday, September 20, 2013


Flying Houses by French Photographer Laurent Chehere

lately, we've all needed an escape from the happenings around us.  gabi hasn't missed a ballet class since the flood storms, except for those cancelled because of flooded studios.  exhausted paul collapses on the couch each night watching football games with that glazed, other world look. me, i snuggle up in bed with my i-pad and escape to the world of pinterest.  i love pinterest.  i've pretty much pinterested (word?) my entire life.  i still have a file of magazine images i cut and collected when i was in high school: fashion shots, dream rooms for my future home, recipes, craft ideas etc.  so, i pretty much think i was the brain child behind pinterest but was kind enough to let someone else bring it to the social networking world and make zillions of dollars.  nice of me, huh?  you can follow me on pinterest, if you'd like.  i have 39 boards, including 2 secret boards and one thousand pins.  hmmm, is that excessive? 

and sebastian?  well, each evening this beautiful boy worked on recording a healing song for us all.  if we are friends on facebook, head on over and have a look/listen...

have a lovely weekend full of appreciation for those you love and love you in return.

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