Wednesday, January 15, 2014

i don't remember...

margo flew in the day after the accident to help take care of things.  what a help, my darling.
ben, sab, gabi and margo drove back up to estes park a couple of days after the crash to unload our things from the excursion.  i think it was helpful for them to put things in perspective.  i think i need to do that.

i don't remember.......

-hitting black ice
-the tree
-just before, during or after the accident
-that our son sebastian went into lifeguard mode, pulling off his t-shirt, ripping it into bandages to wrap his older brother's injured head
-the massive entourage of flashing, noisy, busy vehicles attending to us
-that gabi was taken away in a stranger's car
-the hospital
-dr. chew, his name is on my medical report - thank you dr. chew
-that ben had staples put in his head and paul had stitches in his elbow
-the drive home to boulder that night conversing with our rescue friends the dynamic duo - robyn and chris
-the day after
-i don't know what else i don't remember but i am trying

i do remember to be so grateful that we are safe and ok and recovering.  i count my blessings every waking moment.


  1. I am thankful beyond words that you are all safe. I am sure you will remember in time everying you are supposed to. Lots of love to you.

  2. Oh yes we do love you!

  3. Glad that you guys were pulled out of that devastation and everyone is safe and sound, albeit the shock from everything you sustained. Healing will definitely take time, and the damage may be way untenable, but there is certainly no reason for you guys to be shouldering the burden alone. Family and friends are around you, and you can always seek legal counsel. I'm praying for everyone's fast recovery. All the best!

    Stephanie Waters @ Chastaine Law

  4. Accidents are inevitable, and it’s pretty normal for you to forget some things after it because your mind is still in shock. On the other hand, it’s nice to know that you and your family survived the accident, and that you’ve been provided with immediate help. Months have passed already, and I do hope you’ve recovered from the trauma of the accident. Keep safe, guys!

    Leticia Holt
