Wednesday, June 4, 2014


it is relax mode here at home as we welcome summer vacation with a change of pace.
our rhubarb has been growing like a weed so summer dessert mode is where i am.
i made strawberry rhubarb crisp bars to enjoy after a barbecue rib supper.
sharing a bbq and food from the garden outside with friends is the stuff of life.

 ben is working hard at his internship in town and sab at the pools.  sab's favorite part of his job is teaching swim lessons, especially his baby class.
when they come home, they relax together by working on their motorcycle
rebuild, or with friends by heading to the band room to jam or collapse on the couch, game controllers in hand.

we headed down south to the outlets in castle rock recently to outfit 
sebastian for college.  whoa, these boys can shop!

my dad came for a visit over the weekend.  just in time to join us for the 
very last graduation party!  

we celebrated with a picnic at the park along with friends from church and family, 
to honor the four graduating seniors in our congregation.

thanks for coming, dad.

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