Wednesday, July 23, 2014

morning light

paul comes home today! 
this thought along with a glance out of my bedroom window to see
morning light filtering through the trees made me feel happy for this new day.

paul has been traveling through the south and midwest visiting fields and farms,
silos and storehouses.  all those agricultural sorts of things grain traders get to do.

while others slept, i slipped on a t-shirt, shorts and shoes
inviting my dog to join me for an early morning walk.  simply savoring this
summer morning light.

1 comment:

  1. Janet - your mornings look so clean and green and Beautiful. I can only work in the garden early in the morning. Hardly surviving these days of awful heat. Lovely to have Sebastian and the delightful Katherine sharing some time with us. Hope you enjoyed your re-union. See you soon.
