Wednesday, August 6, 2014

garden to table - bruschetta

i am going to share with you one of our hands down
favorite summer dishes - bruschetta.

there is no more pat-on-the-back, heartwarming, satisfying
feeling than growing your own ingredients to make comforting and
delicious food.


1. pick your own basil from the herb garden and chop finely
2. pick a few of your home grown tomatoes, then chop tomatoes and a red onion
 into 1/4" pieces add to herbs
3.  in basil, onion and tomato filled bowl, add a small dose of red wine vinegar, 
salt and freshly ground pepper to taste and set aside
4. slice white, italian loaf and set on baking tray
5. brush each slice with olive oil, set tray under broiler and watch carefully 
until lightly toasted
6. repeat oil and toasting process on other side of bread slices
7. slice a hearty clove of skinless garlic and liberally rub over one side of 
toasted bread slices
8. spoon tomato/basil goodness on each slice, set on a white tray and savor the 
goodness as a snack, appetizer or y'know, whenever....  

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