Wednesday, August 27, 2014

garden to table - zucchini quiche

it is that zucchini time of year.
here, there, everywhere.  doubling in size while your back is turned.
time to get creative.....

i have a favorite and super easy zucchini recipe given to me
by my australian friend, vivienne.  i've made this breadcrumb quiche for my family for years 
as a light supper or summertime lunch.

i served it the other night along with other green glories from the garden.
everything is ready for picking..........
lettuce, cucumber, carrots, love it!

breadcrumb quiche
(serves 4, i double it)

- make fresh breadcrumbs (good way to use up day old bread) in food processor to cover the bottom of a grease lined (i use butter) baking pan 
- mix together first:
2/3 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup self-rising flour (readily available in australia, or just add a bit of baking powder to all-purpose flour)
- then add and combine together well:
2 zucchinis - grated
1 onion - finely chopped
1 cup cream - thickened or other
pinch nutmeg
salt and pepper
4 eggs
- pour into breadcrumb lined baking dish
- slice tomato and arrange on top
- bake at 425 degrees for 40-45 minutes or until set and top is lightly browned

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