Monday, November 24, 2014

dusk hike

nope, not a morning person.  
dusk is my favorite time of day.  always has been.
with gabi contentedly relaxed in front of a movie, paul, roxy and i headed out at dusk 
for a hike across the stream heading west towards the mountains.

dusk has eluded me for a couple of decades as it falls during one of the power hours of a family.
the time when everyone is coming in from every which way at the end of their day, dinner preparations are in full swing, catching up, conversation, coordinating, eating dinner and then off again to evening commitments......

once in a blue moon, i would catch a glimpse of dusk out of the window with 
the home bustle reflected behind me and be soothed by its magic.  

its a magical time of transition and light when the birds and forest folk also move to quiet and 
rest, hunkering down for the night.  
while walking, we startled a big, beautiful buck causing him to leap up and bound away from his resting spot at day's end.  i stood surprised then mesmerized and forgot to take a photo.

as we walked, a small snow cloud blew in across the mountains swirling flakes as the light faded.  magic.  turning around, we hiked back looking for and then spotting the twin pines on
our property, signaling us to leave the trail and head south onto home.

night has fallen.

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