Monday, November 3, 2014

garden to table - roasted carrot and tomato soup

we've started putting our garden to bed for the winter.
paul worked on the lawn, sprinklers, berms and stream.  i tackled the raised beds,
 harvesting the last of the plum tomatoes, a winter's supply of carrots and a 
surprise, hidden, good-sized zucchini.

i learned a few things about carrots this year - when planting the nearly
microscopic seeds in the spring, don't be in a patient........less is more!  
meaning, take the time to manage the number of seeds per 1/8 inch. 

 i would rather pull up fewer good sized, hearty, flesh-crunchy carrots enjoying their elbow room than a bazillion, crowded peanut-sized (that's being generous) scrawnies.  
bigger carrots = less work!

to celebrate the harvest, we invited friends over for supper to share a colorful epicurious

absolutely delicious.

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