Friday, November 7, 2014

Rose Water

instead of saying goodbye until next year,
 i have a way to happily use the last of summer roses so even through the winter, 
their scent and beauty lingers on....
rose water.

i used the old-fashioned method for making rose water. 
it is as simple as can be with only two ingredients:

rose petals - it is best to pick roses from your garden so you know they are pesticide free
rain water - you may also use distilled water

when you feel like the weather is turning and your roses are slowing down,
 head out to your garden a few hours after dawn, so the dew has time to dry, and
pick your roses. 

this morning, i woke to gusty, gusty winds and fearing a rose petaled bridal path 
for a front lawn, skipped the dew drying step, threw my robe on and picked my 
roses before dawn.   

pluck off just the petals.  you will not be using the stems nor leaves.

gently rinse the petals under cool, running water to wash away any hidden bugs.
if roses are store bought, this step will help get rid of chemicals.

put petals in a saucepan and pour in rain water, just up to the petals.  
too much water will dilute the rose water.  cover and let simmer on low until the rose petals lose their color and the water takes on the color of the rose petals.
 the water should be steaming hot, not boiling hot.  

next, drain your rose water into a sterilized jar and let cool.  it smells beautiful.
store the rose water in the refrigerator.

rose water has many beautiful qualities and uses.... 

adds flavor and scent to tea, lemonade and frostings
 as a light fragrance - it doesn't last long but smells like fresh petals
as a hair rinse - your hair will love it and your locks will smell dreamy
poured into your bath - aromatherapy!
as a natural astringent - is so good for your skin, packed with anti-oxidants
and other healthy bonuses....

my plans are to fill a glass bottle with a spritzer top and keep it in the
refrigerator for a quick, naturally hydrating and nourishing treat for my face, 
all throughout the winter.

have a lovely weekend.