Monday, March 2, 2015

winter ball

it was fairview high school's winter ball over the weekend.
winter ball is a "turnabout" or sadie hawkins dance giving the girls the opportunity to think of a thoughtful, creative or embarrassing way to invite a boy of their choice.

this beautiful and i mean stunning group of nineteen very organized, friendly, fun, gracious and take charge freshman girls decided the night would go like this:   (*note - parents were consulted and on board)

6:30pm - meet at gabi's house to get ready (makeup, dress, hair, laugh, talk)
7:30 - gabi's dad will make bacon cheeseburgers, set out potluck salads, drinks, etc. 
8:30 - sing happy birthday to sammy, sammy blows out candles, serve cake and ice cream (baker  
          extraordinaire allison will make sammy's cake)
8:45 - photo session
9:00 - last minute make up etc.
9:15 - more parents arrive to help drive 19 girls to dance, meet boys there, dance, dance, dance
11:00 - dance over, say good bye and thank boys for being our dates, sammy's dad drives 20 seater 
            bus to school to pick up and take us to sammy's house for birthday party sleepover.
3:00am - sleep 

how fun is high school?!

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