Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A day in Kruger Park

i had planned on this being the last post of our trip to south africa but after perusing, choosing and editing the last of the photos i wanted to share, and not wanting you to miss out on a thing, it became evident that the collection would be just too heavy, too long and frankly, just...too...exciting ;) for only one post. so i promise, following today's will be the last and final post of our memorable trip to S.A.

so, are you ready to join me for a lucky safari day in kruger park?  

be on the lookout for.........


marabou stork  

we never identified these birds but came upon a lightning bush fire with an enormous flock of them walking through hot coals feasting on the bugs and lizards caught in the fire. 


baboon - ha! i could tell you some good stories about these quick-witted creatures!

pumbaa warthog

early one morning, paul and i drove to a hide and quietly tiptoeing from our car, came upon this scene which took my breath away.

gabi hadn't spotted a hippo yet so we returned to the same hide later that day.  the hippo were still there and while we were watching them, an elephant herd showed up and walked, actually the elephant babies floated, across the river.  magic.


a break for lunch at satara rest camp, then off again......

female bushbuck


more baboon



baobab tree


finally heading to letaba rest camp for the night.
we always push the limits, making it in the gate at about 5:59 pm.

yes, that's a crocodile you spotted in the river, the last animal of the day.

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