Friday, April 24, 2015

garden to table - lilac sugar

on the west side of our church yard rises an enormous, lengthy hedge of lilacs.
i look forward to this time of year when each sunday, the sight and scent welcomes churchgoers.

i've always had a penchant for lilac.  when i was a teenager, it was my favorite color....
my bedroom was lilac and my mother made my prom dress in white with lilac details.

lilac's ability to spellbound with color and smell is all well and good but this year i decided to step it up a bit, y'know live on the edge, intoxicating a new sense with lilac's magic. taste.....

lilac sugar

clean, pesticide free, dry lilac petals
*purple are the most fragrant

granulated sugar

glass jar

combine flowers and sugar in a jar. store on a dark shelf in a cool room for a couple of days.
shake every once in a while.....  
voila, your sugar is ready!
use it for baking, spoon it in a cup of tea, sprinkle over frosted cupcakes.

have a lovely weekend.          

1 comment:

  1. You and I must be on the same wave length. I borrowed some branches from the church bushes last week!
