Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Herb Ice Cubes

it has been a very mild autumn around here. we have yet to wake to our first frost.
i've put off harvesting my herbs as they are still so green and happy, but today i made a start.

cutting, tying, hanging and drying the herb bundles is what i have done with the harvest in years past but this year i wanted to try something new.......herb ice cubes. let's do it!

cut a selection of basil, oregano, sage and mint, but that's just me. you may choose whatever
herbs you have or like.

rinse the herbs, put a pot of water on to boil and make an ice bath.

to prepare the herbs for freezing, dip each branch or stem into the boiling water for 2 seconds
then, quickly immerse in ice water. blanching the herbs helps retain their bright green color.

next, using the pulse option, puree the herb leaves in a small food processor, adding liquid.
i added water but chicken, beef or vegetable stock would be good too. in the photo i'm making basil cubes but you may combine an assortment of herbs into cubes.....basil, oregano and thyme would go nicely together.

pour herb mixture into an ice cube tray and freeze. when ready, empty frozen cubes into labled ziploc bags and store in the freezer throughout the coming months. 

melt your frozen herb ice cubes into soups, stews or any savory winter meal you'd like,
enhancing the dish with a touch of fresh, summer sunshine!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh Janet, you are sooo industrious and so creative. And such a good photographer!
