Friday, January 22, 2016

Insanely Moist Meyer Lemon Bundt Cake with Vanilla Icing

how about a sunny and bright yellow post for a cold and gray winter's day.......
today's weather report from boulder 

a few birthdays ago, my sister presented me with a meyer lemon tree.
our family tree's namesake tree.

i love this bright citrus beauty with its dangling golden orbs and
make a point of baking something meyer lemon delicious when they are ripe for the picking.

last weekend, we invited friends over for sunday lunch so for dessert inspiration i headed on over to pinterest to peruse and choose a recipe from my cake board. its important to have a pinterest cake board, y'know.
amping it up to an insanely moist meyer lemon bundt cake with vanilla icing. oh yea!

after paul's delectable meal of chicken cordon bleu with parmesan cheese sauce, green beans, mashed butternut squash with fresh corn and a kale was perfect!

have a lovely weekend.