Monday, October 28, 2013

pumpkins & rhubarb

loads of halloween parties were going on this past weekend.
it always makes me laugh these fews days before halloween, when i'm in the grocery store and spy costumed shoppers picking up their last minute treats before heading off to their halloween festivities.
aladdin, groucho marx and the scout and girl from moonrise kingdom were in front of me in the check out line.....awkward.
i played it subtle this year for a costume, pinning a creepy plastic gekko to the back of my sweater.
 kids loved telling me there was something climbing up my shoulder - eeeek!

it's such a gorgeous time of year....smoky smells in the air, crunchy steps through the fallen leaves, mellowing of colors, scarves, bulky sweaters and pumpkin picking.

we've also picked the last of our beautiful rhubarb and made a rhubarb cake for dessert on sunday.
it followed paul's cream of tomato soup served with warm baguettes eaten next to a cozy fire.
pure autumn contentment.

1 comment:

  1. nothing like being married to the domestic goddess !!!! thanks for keeping us all on an even keel xxoo
