Tuesday, June 14, 2016

snippets of home

here are a few recent photos i've taken 
now and then, in and out, here and there
around the house..........

1. our lilacs are in bloom.
2. we've had a good show of summer afternoon thunderstorms.
3. i've finally captured a photo of what i think to be our neighborhood owl. we hear him every night.
4. morning view from my window.
5. it's been hot over here.
6. gabi's study. this is the same desk gabi painted green in the very first blog post nearly six years ago.
7. can't be outside enough, surprises around every corner.
8. snowmelt season, south boulder creek is running fast and full.
9. wearing his boot, paul hasn't missed a week of lawn mowing during his ruptured achilles tendon recovery. what a man.

so much sadness in the news this week. our world is feeling weakness and hate.
let's each do our part to be strong and loving.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jan, loved your post! Yes, lets do our best to be inclusive and accepting. We all have a part to play. xx
