Friday, October 1, 2010

goodbye september
thanks for the memories.....

gabi ran the mile up at the fairview track today with the rest of the fifth graders.she wasn't so happy with her performance, it was 2 seconds off her record time.  so she's already organized for a rerun. hmmmm, i wonder where she gets that competitive  spirit?

dans le jardin......

what did we find today? bejeweled cherry tomatoes and nasturtiums served on roxy's chewed up frisbee......delicious

one of my very favorite sights.........
fresh, white sheets blowing in the breeze,
under a clear blue sky

but on the other side of the garden.....

one of my least favorite sights...
the detached garage is also having drywall installed.
luckily we haven't had winds or rain for the past week and a half!  hey boxes, don't you be getting too comfortable out here. will all be over soon, it will all be over soon.

blue ribbon zucchini

no one can keep their hands off this gorgeous green monster, weighing in at a hefty 7 pounds!

it has been used as a......

chin rest,
and even a baby.....

I finally got my hands on it and turned it into......

4 delicious loaves of zucchini bread


paul spent the day in amarillo, texas

but made it home in time for ben's football game.......

Yes.....a win!!

fairview 20 - legacy 13

fairview is 3 - 2

4 weeks in a row on the front of 
the boulder camera's sports page..........


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