Saturday, October 23, 2010

pumpkin patch

we went on our traditional pumpkin patch picking adventure this evening.  grandma came along too. grandpa was exhausted after a day of organizing the newly dry-walled garage so he stayed home and napped quite happily having the house to himself.  

a plethora of pleasing pumpkins patiently paused for picking

"pick me!  pick me!"
the pick of the pumpkin pickers

peter peter pumpkin eater...... and mum
  the most beautiful autumn evening out there on the pumpkin prairie

"i found mine and his name is squashford!"
we got one for you too, ben
peter pumpkin eater's wife and son

the sun began to set behind the mountains to the west into a breathtaking evening show...........

and then a brilliant full moon rose to the east, october's hunter's moon.......magic.


  1. Loved the pictures. One for me too, please.

  2. you can have mine, little margo and I will send you one big margo, it should get there by christmas.
