Tuesday, December 14, 2010

feathers, friends and finals

an old friend of mine from jr. high came over for a visit this week......

dave thompson, who now lives in sweden, and i have kept in touch all these thirty+ (ouch!) years....

it was great to catch up....

soooooo cute or soooooo gross?!!

paul and i took gabi and the boys out christmas shopping last night...

and they actually had fun.........

they ran into some good friends.....

pulled faces at me...            tried out the 3D glasses... 

got in a bit of                            driver's ed......

 and added ideas to their 
christmas lists.....

it is finals week......

katie* and ben have their chem final tomorrow......
(*best friend and gullbeats manager)

ammonium  NH4+1
phosphate PO4-3
sulfate SO4-2
nitrate NO3-1
carbonate CO3-2
hydroxide OH-1

there are no regular classes, but two finals scheduled each day through the week......

so paul says, "i'm outta here........"

finals week gets a bit tense 'round here!

actually, he is off visiting farmers, silos, processing plants and other fun sights in the midwest........

paul, you always amaze me with how many days' clothes you can fit into a carry on!  you are the master!

gabi and i headed off to pearl street tonight.......

a new fad is flying thru boulder...........

hair feather extensions.......

there is a store on pearl street called umba

where this hair magic happens.....

first, you choose your favorite combination from a gorgeous array of rooster feathers....

then, you decide where in your hair,
you want your feather extension.......

next, this very sweet, 
quintessential boulder babe
magically sets the extension in place.......


gabi is thrilled......
she's been wanting to use her allowance $ to get this done.........

luckily, we finished just in time to get gabi to her 
dance class....

while she was at dance, i headed over to visit a dear friend of mine,

at this most giving and loving time of year, is there someone in your life that would be thrilled to have a visit from you?  i love my visits with emily.......she reminds me to slow down, quiet down and to remember that people and friendships are what matter most.....

merry christmas emily and thank you
you teach me so much....

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