Friday, December 17, 2010

it's a wonderful life

today was nicole's day.....

we attended the convocation for the 
university of colorado graduates receiving 
honors distinctions.....

nicole is graduating with the honor of
magna cum laude
in art and art history

her amazing boyfriend max
 is graduating with the honor of 
summa cum laude
in art and art history

i am terribly proud of both of you, 
and your support of each other....

your awards
come rightfully and greatly earned...

it was a very special ceremony paying tribute to these creative and motivated students with initiative and a desire for challenge and significance.

a couple of quotes i loved.....

"you graduates today have brought to fruition, the hopes, dreams and desires 
your parents wished for you on the day you were born...."

"you are the kind of kids that your parents 
wanted you to hang out with..."

as i sat next to you, my precious daughter, i noticed you were wearing the charm bracelet i gave to you on your 18th birthday, four years ago.  each of the 18 charms is a token marking a significant and meaningful event for every year of your life to that point.  a rush of memories flew past my mind as i gazed through the window of the very full and privileged life that you, my first born child have lead.  as your mother, i had the privilege of sharing most days of those first 18 years with you, serving as pilot and then eventually letting you ease into a somewhat co-pilot position for the teenage years.  then, all too soon, with all the will power a mother could muster, i stepped out from the cockpit to let you free to fly solo, navigating on your own with the occasional refueling stop. 

since you could communicate the strong will that is you, 
i know that you have wanted that pilot's seat. 

well, my darling you have earned it.  with all the determination that is in you, you have met changes, challenges and obstacles during these past four years with strength, perseverance, intelligence and fortitude equal to the task.  you have what it takes to continue to pilot your life and successfully make your desires and wishes come true.   look straight ahead, use your wisdom to keep steady and fill your life with all that is good.  for this is what will lift your wings as high as you dare dream to go.

i love you and forever, 

with claire, their faculty advisor extraordinaire

nicole and max's very proud parents and families.......

gabrielle had her first 
school instrumental 
concert today........

well done, sweetie
ben, sab and i enjoyed the orchestra....
keep up your hard work 
on the viola!

margo is home........
we left the concert and headed straight to the airport to pick up our wild and crazy girl.....

boys, hug your sister!!

yeah, i love having all my babies home!!

here we go a'caroling.......
oh, here we go a'caroling.....

gabi's voice teacher invited all her students to go caroling tonight......

margo and i joined them......

what fun!!!!!

then, it is one of my favorite nights of the year.....

fairview presents:

the holiday choir concert 2010

i know, i know.......
enough photos of the boys in their choir outfits

how beautiful are guys in tuxes!!!!!

who can resist when i have 

sean connery
cary grant

 look-alikes around the house!!

sebastian sang in a quartet.....
in the...

freshman voices of the knight choir....

ben's excalibur show choir......

tonight, ben sang & danced,
accompanied on the piano
played background percussion

there are fairview choir traditions during the holiday concert.......

each year, all the men combine and sing the christmas carol....

"do you hear what i hear"
male choir alumni in the audience are invited to come up and join in


for the finale, each year all the choir alumni in the audience are invited to come and join the mass choir to sing the last piece....

"silent night"

this is the first year margo has been able to be home from college in time to attend 
the holiday concert....

she couldn't wait to race down and join her brothers for this tradition.......

needless to say, my heart was full.......

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