Saturday, January 8, 2011

bye bye margo

it is time to take our funny, fun girl back to school....

we have had a relaxing, rejuvenating and really lovely christmas holiday with her
but all good things must come to an hoo

just paul, margo and i made the trip to provo while the youngest three + roxy
promised they would be fine on their own for 36 hours........i worried the whole time and phoned 
way too many times to check up on them.  

it was a snowy, blizzardy, cold interstate 80 through wyoming......

but icy, blue beautiful too!

whoa! that is cold!! 
1 degree F. or more impressive, minus 17 degrees C.

eight hours later........
our first stop in salt lake was to say a quick hi to tadd, alex and the boys.......
thanks for all the quiche and cookies, al!

then down hwy. 215 a little further to my mom's
hi mom!
paul and margo carried on to provo and i spent the night with my mom.
it was so relaxing and quiet........mmmmmmmmm, so nice......

my mom: 

i have been blessed with an angel for a mother,
i love being around her, she takes up such a little space.....
her beautiful and quiet, gentle, patient ways 
never intrude, force, nor loudly make themselves known.
with her, i always feel safe, nurtured and very, very special.

my mom's husband is very ill with alzheimer's disease 
and is being cared for at the veteran's hospital in salt lake
she visits him every day and makes sure that he is
 as comfortable as possible and eating. 
 i find it inspiring to see her care for him.

mom, you teach me so much and are the perfect example of 
a loving and committed wife and mother.
thank you for loving me too.

while we were visiting roland, the residents' evening entertainment was
jim jensen, the accordian player.
i must say, i have never been to an accordian concert before and it was delightful!

the next morning, i drove down to provo and met up with 
paul.  he also enjoyed a quiet evening with mom and dad.

grandpa loves his birds - his offerings attract hundreds of 
little chickadees winter, spring, summer and fall!

we picked up margo at her cute, little brick house wearing 
her signature funky tights...

and then went up to byu campus to meet her friends, work associates and also to check out her
prize winning photo on display at the 

next, we met up with margo's bestest bud catherine and
visited a very moving and beautiful

at the harris fine arts center
paul also surprised catherine and margo with tickets to the 
cinderella ballet in february - something fun to look forward to girls!

it is almost time to say good-bye,

we'll just fit in a quick brunch and squeeze in as much time together as possible.

we love you baby and are so proud of you.  have a great semester.........

study hard, make your bed, eat your vegetables, wear a scarf, be nice to the boys and
have fun!

paul and i took interstate 70 home.......

this is why i love colorado.......

we got back home safely and found all was well.......
we miss you already sweetie, and thank you so much for leaving us a margo snow angel..........

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful term back at school Little Margo. x
