Tuesday, February 15, 2011


this little thing is feeling better. so, she's been very busy lately.  she's becoming a holiday monster.
hmmmmmmm, i wonder where she gets it from?

she had everyone signing her homemade valentines to surprise dad with a 

"heart attack"

when he got to work on valentine's day....

cute idea, but dad starts work at 6:15 a.m!

so, that meant that mom had to sneak up to his office earlier than that.
while gabi slept peacefully in her bed....

i gave the guys that were already there working quite a shock...
sneaking around wearing a baseball cap, sweatshirt, pajamas bottoms and down vest.

here in the land of holiday madness.....

we don't reserve valentine's day just for lovers.
you can be in love, you can be in like, or you may just be a classmate of someone you have
to give a valentine to for the traditional classroom mailbox routine....

do you remember my christmas elf friend cathy?
(refer to december 2010 post, joyous christmas day)

well, she surprised me with a valentine's goodie bag filled with beautiful victorian things including 
the victorian fairy tale book.

thanks cupid, cathy.

good morning kids!
happy valentines day - i love you so very, very much!

two of the people in my life that fill my heart.
sebastian and paul had already left for the morning......
i love you two too!

nicole and margo, i miss you both so much and wish you a special valentine's day 
go through your day knowing that you are loved and thought of, all the time.

hope you got your pink packages!!!

gabi's class celebrated with a 

valentine's lunch exchange

each classmate is secretly given another classmate's name and lunch preference menu.
then on vd, one classmate brings lunch for another with a valentine's surprise!

gabi thinks these are the best lunches all year!

my valentine of nearly 30 years 
surprised me with tickets to this.

paul, thank you so much.  it means the world to me because..... 

i know the ballet is not your best,
not your best, but it is mine.
i love you all the more for your thoughtfulness.
so, will you be my valentine?

corny attempt, but with feeling none the less....

margo organized these absolutely luscious, pink confection tulips
as a gift for valentine's day.  thank you, sweet one.

pink and red forever!!
happy valentine's day to everyone!

i adore you all!


  1. Oh Janet, what a perfectly pink and red
    Valentine's Day you prepared and received back
    in return. You are amazing. To remember your daughters who are far away as well. And little Margo remembering her wonderful mother,
    We had the great pleasure of sharing our Sunday
    meal with the two prettiest girls on campus.
    How refreshing to have them with us for a few hours.
    Thank you for creating, shaping, bearing and sharing your exceptional children and our grandchildren.
    And Paul, remembering to give you pleasure as well on this day. I wonder who taught him ?.
    You, only you.

  2. Little Margo and Catherine loved the time with you too.
    Thank you for your kind words. I hope you felt loved on
    pink and red day.

  3. paul speaking........

    you had me at hello!!!
