Friday, June 24, 2011

the joys of summer

the yellows in my garden are in their buttery and golden glory right now......

these cheerful lillies are called 
happy returns.....
placed at the entrance to the front garden sending greetings whether you are coming or going.

and it is cottonwood season too.
the cottonwood trees send off white, puffy balls of cotton 
which look like summer snow falling from the sky. 
it collects in snowy, white cotton balls across the green grass.

the joys of summer.........

gabi and sidney donned life jackets and lazily swam in the swimming/skating pond
on this sunny, hot afternoon.

while sab and friends reverted to little boy ways enjoying a jump on the tramp.

margo made us all soft pretzels for afternoon tea.

cleaner canines is back 
in business for it's second summer.
these two are the most industrious 11 year olds i have ever met.
if they aren't rounding up business for their dog washing venture,
(they've added a uniform this year)

they are out selling lemonade!

they sold $50 worth of lemonade in one afternoon and
are giving 1/2 of their earnings to their favorite charity.

we are loving this wonderful summertime!


  1. Just want to let you know that I love sharing your daily doings - thanks. Did you have the rock pool built? It is beautiful... Just like Gaby...

  2. Hi Margo. Thanks for sharing your comments too. Yes, Paul had the rock pool built last summer. It also turns into Gabi's skating rink in the winter. This whole water feature is Paul's pride and joy.
