Wednesday, June 8, 2011

mad hatter tea party

what a party!
last evening, we had a mad hatter's tea party over here for all the ladies at our church.


we decorated the tea party table with bright colors and black and white checks.
a hodge podge of brightly colored dishes and candies were jumbled across the table -
mismatched tea cups and saucers too.  they were gifts for the ladies to take home.
the pathway was lined with jars of bright poppies from the garden.

it was a perfect evening for an
alice in wonderland outdoor event.

a thumbs up from the hostess and cheeks filled with chocolate dipped strawberries.

cupcakes, tea sandwiches, cookies and more.......

raspberry sun tea,
drink me.

what would an alice in wonderland party be without croquet?
now, that was a fun time!!

the poppies are blooming in all their oriental, orange glory.
when we first bought our home, it was advertised as 
"a home in a field of poppies"
they only bloom for about a week and so we savor every day we get with them.

sooooo, what are the boys up to?

sebastian is off camping with friends for the rest of the week.
it should be beautiful up there in rocky mountain national park.

ben and caleb are busy painting the bike shelter.
thanks guys!

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