Wednesday, July 27, 2011

20 more days of summer vacation

let's check up on the garden.
everything is looking healthy and happy.

the shy eggplant plants and green peppers had to be transplanted because their
over confident zucchini neighbors were taking center stage.

they are happier now next to the delicate and well behaved carrots who promised to stay put.

i have a garden surprise in the works.  
it will be revealed later this summer!
(hint: it has something to do with the tallest plant in the garden)

the finches have been spending their summer afternoons outside.

they chirp and flirt happily to the warm breezes.

i am chirping and flirting happily too because there are less feathers and seeds to sweep up!

i hired gabi and sidney to repaint the porch swing.
i am a white girl.  meaning i love white everything! 
i try and try to add bright color to my life but in the end the 
most adventurous color range i go to is.......well, shades of white.

bad photo, cute girls.

gabi and her beautiful blonde friend katherine twisted their hair together to make a 
chocolate/vanilla swirl.

sab remembered yesterday that he has summer reading to do 
for his honor's english class this fall.

better get cracking, bud!

only 20 days left of summer holidays!

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