Friday, September 23, 2011


at last!  my baby's back home.
paul has been in new zealand for 2 weeks 

we are so glad to have him home.
all is well. 

the house is again filled with his music, his cooking and his huge, enveloping hugs.

it is fairview's homecoming game tonight.

football gear at rest

pretty exciting with all the festivities that homecoming brings....
more on that later!

i forgot to post ben's stats from last week's game.  here it is below.
unfortunately, both varsity and jr. varsity lost,
but our boys played well!

home scenes

the boys just hanging out and watching their fave tv show,

while in the next room, 
nicole and max are sitting by the fire reading and discussing
beautiful literature like

The Prince
by Nicolo Machiavelli


Leviathan, Or, Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth 
Ecclesiastical and Civil
Thomas Hobbes

which room would you choose?