Monday, October 31, 2011

all hallow's eve

it is halloween!
  and we've been celebrating all weekend.
the following is a collection of the
happy, hilarious, haunting halloween happenings here...

gabi went to a harry potter party.
these hogwarts students are waiting to see who is next to come through platform 9 3/4.
butter beer and pumpkin juice were the favorite treats served!

halloween family meals have been served around this creepy centerpiece.

and then the costumes.....
gabrielle wanted to be a nerd this year. she had me laughing for hours over the weekend. 
as we got her dressed into costume, she slowly came into character and didn't stop for 3 hours!

"notice my secret formula, glow-in-the-dark converse that i have perfected in my bedroom laboratory.
a special chemical reaction occurs when they are exposed to light & dark. it's exciting," explains ingrid.

then there is margo, the mime.
i have no doubt she loved staying in character all night as well.

have you ever noticed how much ben looks like sylvester stallone?
it's weird.  he is wearing this costume at school today.

we've had these spooooky black crows hanging around lately.

and check out this link alisa sent me.  it's fascinating!!

nicole has been busy making caramel apples for all her friends at work
as a thank you gift for all the fun she's shared with them these past months.
(nicole and max leave early tomorrow, we are sad.)

tricks and treats everywhere including the guessing jar gabi won at a halloween party
and a gift for roxy from the local pet store.  she will have to perform a trick to get this treat.

we had a halloween party at golden days nursery school today and
ryla wore their costumes.
ryan: wolverine
lila: a black cat

we made jack-o-lanterns out of oranges and ate the insides, counted legs on spiders 
(they have eight, lila discovered)
and learned fun pumpkin finger plays.

we also carved our pumpkins into a variety of 
jack-o-lantern personalities.
these orange pumpkin beauties have been 8 months in the making.  i first planted the pumpkin vine seeds indoors before we left for hawaii in march!!  
they've been nurtured and loved and finally tonight will shine in all their golden glory.

happy halloween

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