Sunday, December 4, 2011

advent day four: stir-up sunday

cold day today under gray skies.
just down the road, these black angus cattle 
look striking against the bright white snow.

i have been working on these christmas carol booklets
for the women at our church. 
i handed them out today and we all sang carols and recited the 
christmas story in the bible.
it put me into the christmas spirit!

hmmmmm, looks like an elf was at work around the house...........gabrielle?


it's stir-up sunday.
the first sunday in december.
this is a european tradition we have adopted in our home.
each year, we make a christmas pudding for grandpa gerry - 
a german, scottish, south african.

after chopping, measuring and shredding the twenty or so
sweet and savory ingredients, each person in the household
is to take a turn stirring and making a wish.

only gabrielle, sebastian and i are home today.
not having to share, i think that means our wishes have a better chance
of coming true!

into the fridge for the night.  then tomorrow
i form it into a pudding mold, slip in a sixpence, steam for 8 hours, store away until christmas eve
when it is steamed again, unmolded, served with hard sauce and garnished with a
festive sprig of holly!

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