Friday, December 2, 2011

advent day two: music

the snow has stopped 
and today we awoke to a sparkling, winter wonderland.
beneath a crisp, blue sky lie white carpeted fields and crystal trees.

only mediumly-serious winter footwear needed today.

on our walk this morning,
i kicked chunks of ice down the lane as roxy chased and crunched them to her heart's content.
every once in a while, i would catch the cozy smell of a wood burning fireplace
warming up a family on this cold, winter morning.

icy, fresh blooms in the foyer cheer us on this crispy day.


the kids each choose a piece of music to work on over the christmas season.
gabi is either going to choose silent night or jingle bells.
i will try to entice her to work on both.

sebastian is working on a carol to play on his sax.
he's chosen a sax piece before and there is something, well, very christmassy about 
the strains of a saxophone.

my guess is that margo will choose to practice and perform this piece to perfection.
with her charisma and voice...........marilyn monroe, move over!

i still need to get ben to choose a piece to work on.
i hope he chooses my favorite carol, do you hear what i hear?
in a beautiful piano arrangement.
the kids and paul (i traditionally bow out) play and perform for all that gather with us 
on christmas eve.


  1. ps. i just made pineapple upside down cake for hamburgians--- more all-american dessert baking!

  2. Hey nicole,
    Was pineapple upside down cake as much of a challenge as pumpkin? How did everyone like it?

  3. Please record your Christmas musical offerings and share with us.

    And please remind Nicole to contact Stephen, if she wants to. He also visits hamburg quite often.
