Thursday, December 22, 2011

advent day twenty-two: holiday guests

a winter storm warning was issued for last night.
this morning,
we woke to a whopping eighteen inches of snow!

paul was up at the crack of dawn warming up 
the snow blower, then the small snow plow then brought out the big boy tractor
to clear the driveway for me.  i was off to the airport........


my dear lifelong friend stephanie flew in this morning from maryland
to celebrate the holiday with us!!
welcome steph, it is wonderful to have you here.

she showered us with gifts including
the poshest of hot chocolates and fixin's.

we put together a hot chocolate tray to warm everyone as they came 
in and out of the snow throughout the day.

we spent the day christmas shopping.  while we were at the mall,
we stopped, looked at one another and started laughing as we realized that thirty-five years ago,
we were often doing this same thing fun!

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