Wednesday, August 29, 2012

be the story yoga - by laura

paul has 5 amazing, strong, accomplished 
and very beautiful sisters.
and i mean, stop traffic gorgeous!

i absolutely adore each and every one of my sisters in law,
but for this post i would like to spotlight sister #4, laura.

just this year, besides be awarded a master's degree while
 continuing to beautifully mother her 4 children, 
laura also created and produced a unique instructional yoga dvd for children called

be the story yoga.
it is wonderful!

you can read the story behind the story here

and learn more about, preview (while listening to her very attractive south african accent),
and order your own 
 be the story yoga children's dvd here

well done, lau!

1 comment:

  1. And you are as much-loved, and counted as one of the sisters... Sweet Janet...
