Wednesday, November 28, 2012

parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

i found photos of our thanksgiving morning hike i had forgotten i'd taken in my little camera.
while dishes were bubbling and baking back home, we were working off some
before feast calories.
we started from the dowdy draw trailhead just down from our house. this is paul's paradise.

i've finally finished a long overdue organizing project.  for years, our cd collection has been here, there
and everywhere.  now they are alphabetized, boxed up and at our fingertips - oh yea, it feels so good.
 i hope this helps us all listen to them more!
see those antlers on the top shelf?  all of those were dropped on our property over the years
 by the deer that pass through.  they are so beautiful.

houdini finch is at it again.  these days i think he's spending more time
visiting the neighbor finches or flying around the house than in his own cage.  naughty bird.

i harvested the last of the herbs today..........parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.
i'll hang them up to dry and use them throughout the winter months.
my kitchen smells like an epicurean's dream.

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