Monday, January 7, 2013

taking ben back to byu

paul, gabi, ben and i spent the weekend in salt lake city and provo with family, family, family.
margo, andrew and sebastian stayed at home to work.
we met up with my beautiful aunt kathleen and beautiful mom while they were shopping 
and then went to lunch together.
we also had a divine dinner at grandma and grandpa's and played and snuggled with little molly.
this lucky, little dog has a hand-knitted sweater wardrobe to choose from each day
and naps snuggled up in grandma's cozy robe.
luckily, we were also able to spend a couple of days with cousin emma, here from london, which is always a special treat.

it was absolutely freezing in utah with overcast skies, knee deep snow and temperatures in single digits fahrenheit during the day and plunging below zero at night.  brrrrrr!

we had the traditional meyer family dinner at tessa's with grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles and cousins enjoying the traditional overabundance of food, fun, laughter 
and a lot of electronic entertainment too.  me included - i was glued to the two hour downton abby episode.
i only had my i-phone for photos this weekend, apologies.

the highlight of gabi's weekend was the
justin beiber concert!!!

she and her cousin jenny had the night of their lives!!!!
crazy girls!

we had to say goodbye to ben, wishing him a successful semester of work and running.
we miss you already.
back home now after a beautiful, blue sky and snowy drive through utah and colorado
to warmer weather and all well at home.