Friday, February 1, 2013

local color

just a hop, skip and a jump down our road and we run into the little, interesting town 
of eldorado springs.  affectionately known as eldo.  
 as i was running an errand to our local post office today, it hit me just how unique this funny 
whistle stop of a place actually is.
eldo has quite a colorful past as you can see by it's entrance sign above.

eldo's main street is made of dirt which stays muddy most of the snowy winter
and is a dusty bath through the hot summer.  our same stream runs the length of eldo where
clusters of little cottages, cabins and homes nestle tightly together on both 
sides of the stream.  wooden bridges connect the two streamside neighborhoods at the beginning and dead end of the main street.

nestled in the little beating heart of eldo is the eldo art center as well as...

eldorado springs pool.  it is one of our favorite cooling off spots in the summer.
 the pool is filled with spring water, the mountains tower above us and friends can always be found.

eldo is also the home of the thriving eldorado natural spring water company just over one of the bridges.  we often bring our 5 gallon water jugs and fill them up at the outdoor dispenser - a local's
popular hangout.

you may have picked up on the fact that eldo is an eclectic tiny town (to put it mildly).
the architecture, the people, the lifestyles, the ashram.......

at the far end of eldo you'll find the entrance to eldorado canyon state park.  
i often take for granted that we have this gorgeous resource just a short bike's ride away.
it has world class rock climbing, but i love it for the views, the roaring stream and the multitude of hiking trails.  it truly is a gem.

well, that is the end of our tour today.  come by and visit sometime.
don't forget your hiking boots!

1 comment:

  1. I do love this little town. My only regret is that I have never swum in the pool. Only been with Paul to collect the drinking water. It is a little rugged for my life style now but I love the photos and the memories.
