Monday, May 13, 2013


i am blessed.
i am blessed with amazing, kind, fun and entertaining children.
they love life and absolutely adore each other.
yesterday, i sat back in amazement at these young people in my life. 
these grown and accomplished kids.  those that make me a mother.
how in the world did i get here?  
it all happened so fast.  
i kind of had a plan for my life,
maybe it was more like wishful thinking. 
i did know even as a young girl that i wanted to be a mother, 
that i wanted to raise a big family.
but this place, this place i am in right now is bigger and better than
anything i could have ever dreamed of.

mother's day morning. in pajamas eating milk and donuts (thanks, paul) by the stream 
and listening to happy, family, breakfast chatter.

family photos after church (thanks paul) with a horse and dog invasion.

mother's day beef stew sunday lunch (thanks paul).  
i love my salads, hummous, pesto but truly, i am a meat and potatoes girl at heart.

happy mom, exhausted dad.
thank you for making mother's day so beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. you deserve it all, jan... tell paul that i love him as well...
