Wednesday, August 14, 2013

garden to table - chokecherry jelly

our property is surrounded by wild chokecherry bushes.  by august, the deep purpley-black berries attract bears to the neighborhood, so it is about now that we really start keeping our eyes out for those furry guys.  roxy also loves to eat these bitter, awful tasting berries (which turns our usual half hour morning walk into a good hour as she picks her way along.) however, these very bitter and awful tasting berries BLAAA! do make a gorgeous, deep, dark jelly that i love to make. so the other day, i spent a slow, happy, summer afternoon picking chokecherries.  i came home and mashed, boiled and strained my jewels and the next day, filled and bottled them into pretty jelly jars. feeling quite chuffed, i placed them on the pantry shelf picturing myself on a dark january morning spreading this summery goodness onto a slice of toast and remembering long, august, bear watching days.

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